9s multiplication chart
9s multiplication chart

9s multiplication chart

Ask questions such as, What patterns do you see? How are the circles arranged? What do you notice about the digits of the circled products?Įncourage students to apply these multiplication strategies for 6s and 9s to numbers beyond the basic facts. Have students circle the products of the facts on hundreds charts.

9s multiplication chart

The first player to place four adjacent counters in a 2-by-2 square or a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line is the winner.Įxploring patterns and having students share what they notice can also solidify their number facts.The card is returned to the bottom of the stack.If an answer is unavailable, the player misses a turn. The player claims the answer on the game board by covering it with a counter.The first player draws a card and decides whether to multiply the number by nine or by ten to make a product on the game board. Shuffle and place numeral cards face down in a stack.10-12 transparent counters (a different color for each player).one set of numeral cards (Make 4 copies, cut out, and laminate to make one set.).This game practices the nines facts in a fun way! Click here to download the Times This game to play in your classroom. Games are a great way to reinforce and practice number fact strategies. The card below shows that 6 x 3 is just one more row of three added to the 5-by-3 array.Ħs and 9s Multiplication Facts Game: Reinforce and Practice the Strategies

9s multiplication chart

Likewise, students can “build up” from a known fives fact to figure out a sixes fact. Notice how the card can be folded to cover up the bottom row of the array. For example, students can think of 9 x 3 as the same as ten groups of three less one row of three. Students figure out the 9s multiplication facts by “building down” from a known 10s fact. Now, on to the strategies… Introduce the 6s and 9s Strategiesīegin by using cards like the ones shown below to help students visualize the relationship between the nines and tens facts and relationship between the sixes and fives facts.

  • Partitions quantities efficiently? Check!.
  • Visualizes quantities with arrays? Check!.
  • Fluent with tens and fives facts? Check!.
  • With the right foundation and the multiplication strategies described in this article, they can be a breeze! Let’s start with the foundation. The 6s and 9s multiplication facts are sometimes considered harder to learn than the other basic facts. Effective Strategies for Mastering the Nines and Sixes The nines and sixes multiplication facts are a breeze with the build-down and build-up strategies!

    9s multiplication chart